7 months ago


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Montana Cans LOOKBOOK 2024 – back in black! We’re happy to unveil the Montana Cans LOOKBOOK for 2024, and this edition is particularly special! It’s been an exhilarating year, filled with events, collaborations, and of course, our continuous commitment to fostering the vibrant culture of graffiti and street art. The past year, we’ve journeyed through numerous Jams and events, championing the graffiti culture and creating opportunities for artists to interact and showcase their work. Our involvement ranged from facilitating platforms for emerging talents to celebrating the contributions of legendary figures in the graffiti world. And let’s not forget, we also expanded our innovative product lines! #montanacans #germanspraypaint↗

MC Your book “Graffiti

MC Your book “Graffiti School” is another subject I wanted to address. Can you talk about that? JEROO I published the book in 2013. It is still available, and throughout the years, it has become a genre classic of educational graffiti publications. It has been translated into several languages, including Chinese; we have sold more than 100.000 copies by now. MC Wow, that’s exceptional! What was your motivation to come up with the project? Was it the classic Hip Hop ethos of each one teach one? JEROO Yes and no! Back then, I worked as a teacher, so education and graffiti were two major topics in my life that I just wanted to merge. On top of that, I saw a need for this mixture, considering the professional level. Either professional people with little actual graffiti knowledge or the other way around, good writers giving horrible workshops were the status quo. My idea was to support beginners in getting behind that tricky phase right at the start a lot quicker, which, I believe, is in our best interest as a culture. ← Don’t be coy! Kois, swans and other animals are recurring motifs in Jeroo’s artworks, making them appealing to a broad public audience and writers alike. My idea was to support beginners in getting behind that tricky phase right at the start a lot quicker, which, I believe, is in our best interest as a culture. 26 Artist Edition Jeroo

MC And how was the feedback? JEROO Of course, there was some controversy. Some hardcore writers claimed I demystified crucial elements of the culture and that you can only be real if you learn graffiti through the streets. Today, I still receive positive messages from all over the world, which inspire me greatly, for instance, from the Philippines and Iraq, to name a few unexpected countries. I would have never thought that, and I am proud of that. Books are overly crucial in countries where there is restricted access to the internet. Looking back, I see the timing to publish this book was right. I come from graffiti writing and am rooted in the culture, but I like to have one foot in the art business these days. After all these years, this development feels like a natural next step. MC That sounds wholesome! Is there anything you want to add? JEROO Thank you. I am grateful for this opportunity; I am happy where I am now. I come from graffiti writing and am rooted in the culture, but I like to have one foot in the art business these days. After all these years, this development feels like a natural next step. Artist Edition Jeroo 27

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