7 months ago


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Montana Cans LOOKBOOK 2024 – back in black! We’re happy to unveil the Montana Cans LOOKBOOK for 2024, and this edition is particularly special! It’s been an exhilarating year, filled with events, collaborations, and of course, our continuous commitment to fostering the vibrant culture of graffiti and street art. The past year, we’ve journeyed through numerous Jams and events, championing the graffiti culture and creating opportunities for artists to interact and showcase their work. Our involvement ranged from facilitating platforms for emerging talents to celebrating the contributions of legendary figures in the graffiti world. And let’s not forget, we also expanded our innovative product lines! #montanacans #germanspraypaint↗

J Haha, you got me! If

J Haha, you got me! If you want me to drop some additional names, I am a big fan of Skeme and Dez. Also, Shame 125 has to be mentioned. Of course, I have seen Subway Art and Style Wars, but our most significant influence back then was a private stash of pictures I received through a friend in Munich, where I went with Zebster. Somehow, someone had met Henry Chalfant, who showed them some of his unpublished work. My friend back then was smart enough to take analog pictures of Chalfants folders, which he copied and distributed. I vividly remember the freshest pieces ever by Kenn and Cem, which, to my knowledge, have never been in any of the influential publications later on. Our most significant influence back then was a private stash of pictures I received through a friend in Munich, where I went with Zebster. MC Wow, I've never heard of that! It sounds super dope. Speaking of photographs, what value does documenting your work have for you? J Documentation is the most essential element of the game directly after the painting. I always tried to take pictures with a decent SLR camera my dad gave me. Of course, back then, it was all analog. During painting, I felt a lot of pressure, which somehow resolved in comic relief when I saw my train approaching the platform the following day. That feeling is hard to beat, and I must admit that I secretly miss it. Also, I took lots of footage with a Mini Dv camera that somehow sadly got lost over the years. But that's part of the game, you lose some material, and pieces get buffed, but my memories remain. Also, projects like this are nice to revive that old spirit. MC Since we briefly touched upon the topic, do you have a favorite train type next to the classic New York subway? J Steeltrains! But honestly, I can never decide between the mint and the silver model. Let's say it's a draw for me. MC That is in fact, a tough decision. Speaking of icons, how do you feel about being part of the Iconic Series when you look at the other names in that lineup? Self-awareness is a tricky subject within graffiti culture sometimes. During painting I felt a lot of pressure, which somehow resolved in comic relief when I saw my train approaching the following day. 32 ICONIC SERIES JEPSY

“Timeless burners that even today still outshine many of the current trends!” JEZUS J You might have a point! Frankly, I am still amazed that people like my work. It might sound cheesy, but I never painted for somebody else, and the only competition I ever faced was the one with myself. I paint what I feel like. But it fills my heart with joy when there is positive feedback. M One last question: if you hear a train approaching, do you still care to look? J Of course! Old habits never change. I will always appreciate fresh graffiti. Moses and Rage took it to the next level for sure. MC Thank you! It has been an absolute honour to work with you! J Thank you. I am more than grateful for this opportunity! ICONIC SERIES JEPSY 33

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