7 months ago


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Montana Cans LOOKBOOK 2024 – back in black! We’re happy to unveil the Montana Cans LOOKBOOK for 2024, and this edition is particularly special! It’s been an exhilarating year, filled with events, collaborations, and of course, our continuous commitment to fostering the vibrant culture of graffiti and street art. The past year, we’ve journeyed through numerous Jams and events, championing the graffiti culture and creating opportunities for artists to interact and showcase their work. Our involvement ranged from facilitating platforms for emerging talents to celebrating the contributions of legendary figures in the graffiti world. And let’s not forget, we also expanded our innovative product lines! #montanacans #germanspraypaint↗

...I’ve tried to build

...I’ve tried to build my life in a way that allows me to keep being out here and painting graffiti Drugs and sobriety play a big part in SHOCK’s style. SHOCK paints no matter what he’s going through, and many of his really out-there styles come from being in extreme states or from making it back safely and reflecting on the journey. And that’s how I know it’s the most important thing I could be doing. Creating things that are undeniably good and important and relevant and necessary in a way that is undeniably illegal. I think people need to see that. My favorite things to paint change a lot. Sometimes it’s only freight trains, sometimes it’s only walls, sometimes it’s only up spots; a long time ago, it was only subways. I think the perfect Graff spot for me is like a nice set back/up high street spot, where you can flex and take your time, but the street sees it in the day. Street pieces are my favorite things to do. It’s almost the same high as a subway, and I love the city and want my art to be a part of it. Instagram made it so you could be anywhere, but before that to be known you had to go other places and get up. That's the direction I'm headed again it feels like. 86 Street Report SHOCK

I think the perfect Graff spot for me is like a nice set back/up high street spot, where you can flex and take your time, but the street sees it in the day. SHOCK wants his art to reach a level where the people who painted over it in his hometown are kicking themselves because their once ugly building could have been worth millions. The abandoned grain elevators around the Midwest are probably SHOCK’s favorite things to paint. They have it all: highly visible rooftops, chill piecing walls, and lots of space to mess around. In the last few years, since I’ve been allowed to leave the state of Minnesota again, I’ve been traveling as much as I can to paint and link with crewmates in other cities. I always tried to paint as many different cities as possible. Instagram made it so you could be anywhere, but before that, to be known, you had to go to other places and get up. That’s the direction I’m headed again, it feels like. I don’t really live anywhere right now, and I plan to stay that way for a while. I think the work that we are doing requires being in a lot of places, and I’ve tried to build my life in a way that allows me to keep being out here and painting graffiti. Where I’m at right now is a pretty crazy story, actually. For the last six months, I’ve been staying in Springfield, Illinois, a small city a few hours south of Chicago. Last summer, STATIC and I were driving back from Saint Louis, and we stopped to check out this abandoned flour mill here. While we were down the street getting our paint ready, the car mysteriously broke down. We couldn’t figure it out, and there was nothing open cuz it was a holiday, so we were stuck for at least a few days. We decided to just camp out at the building and paint. And for five days, while we waited for the car to get fixed, we painted and made weird art out of shit we found in the building and slept in hammocks way up high in the grain silo tower. Street Report SHOCK 87

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