6 years ago

MontanaCans Lookbook 2019

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  • Art
  • Socks
  • Collaborations
  • Art
  • Cans
  • Montana
  • Graffiti
  • Artists
  • Lookbook
  • Edition
  • Cans
  • Infra
  • Reebok
  • Berlin
  • Festival
  • Montanacans
  • Preview
Every organisation that was built up on passion and a love of what they do, finds themselves more and more pro-active in their work each year. Montana Cans is no exception as we strive to make the best cans on earth. But that is no excuse to reflect on all the extra curriculum activities like collaborations, festival, project and artist support that happen through the year as well. After all this helped create history. The Montana Cans LOOKBOOK gives an outlet to remember, reflect and reward those who deserve a little extra attention with some extra glow of the spotlight. With great pleasure, we announce the online release of the Montana Cans LOOKBOOK 2019, looking back at some of the highlights of 2019. This edition delves into many projects such as the Montana Cans limited edition cans that featured Mina & Bruce (plus interview), Felipe Pantone, Most and Flying Förtress. We reminisce on the cool collabo's we were involved in with Happy Socks, Good Guy Boris and Reebok Sneakers. We get re-inspired by feature articles on artists IMAGINE, THE LONDON POLICE, FRAU ISA, 1010 and 1UP CREW. We take a look at some of the urban art festivals that raised the bar even higher like METROPOLINK, POW!WOW ROTTERDAM and the THE BERLIN MURAL FESTIVAL. With eyes wide open we scratch under the surface of some alternative disciplines within graffiti culture. The spotlight gets turned on ABSTRACT LETTERING, GRAFFITI ON FREIGHTS and CALLIGRAFFITI. We share some knowledge on the new products like the Montana BLACK INFRA colors and Montana BOLD marker line, which took the industry by storm. Just as the special moment that was the grand opening of the MONTANA STORE VIENNA with our industry partners CONCRETE, did. All this and more over 160 enthralling full color pages.

In every sub movement of

In every sub movement of art, there has always some star performers, innovators or flag bearers. Artists that take their new discipline and turn it into something much, much, more. Christoph Hässler is one such person. Also known as STOHEAD, he was born 1973 in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany. Being there from the beginning of the global graffiti surge, STOHEAD whom now works and resides in Berlin was part of the "Getting Up" group show in 1999. The "Getting Up", exhibition was one of the most important contemporary Graffiti-Fine Art group exhibitions to put graffiti onto the European gallery radar since Yaki Kornblit brought New York graffiti to the Amsterdam art scene in 1983. Later representing BC Gallery in 2015 at the SCOPE Basel, STOHEAD has come a long way taking his love of tags, script, calligraphy and the context of words, way beyond those humble times in 1999. The discipline of calligraffiti rising to another level. Whether it be exploring societies new buzz words, song lyrics or just randomly chosen words, he recreates, repeats and abstracts his content till it becomes abstract patterns that intern become the basis for new mark making and image building. A heavy user of the Montana SPIDER can, STO- HEAD has forged a path in contemporary art and taken calligraffiti with in the process using an innovating tool that back then no one else quite knew what to do with. But it wasn't just STOHEAD that "got it". The international graffiti world was watching and his global peers 112

that also focused on the new direction of raw script based graffiti, also morphed it into an artform of it's own. With fellow international innovators like Astro, Theosone, Oscar, Sicoer and Hoker, the unspoken graffiti rule of left to right classic graffiti in horizontal format is being actively re-written. With new virticle, circular and geometric postioning opening not just doors for calligraffiti artists, but the graffiti movement as a whole. Including the introduction of innovative new tools such as the Montana SPIDER, ULTRAWIDE and MARBLE EFFECT sprays, the future for the art of Calligraffiti is limitless. INSTAGRAM.COM/STOHEAD 113

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