6 years ago

MontanaCans Lookbook 2019

  • Text
  • Tenten
  • Art
  • Isa
  • Art
  • Socks
  • Collaborations
  • Art
  • Cans
  • Montana
  • Graffiti
  • Artists
  • Lookbook
  • Edition
  • Cans
  • Infra
  • Reebok
  • Berlin
  • Festival
  • Montanacans
  • Preview
Every organisation that was built up on passion and a love of what they do, finds themselves more and more pro-active in their work each year. Montana Cans is no exception as we strive to make the best cans on earth. But that is no excuse to reflect on all the extra curriculum activities like collaborations, festival, project and artist support that happen through the year as well. After all this helped create history. The Montana Cans LOOKBOOK gives an outlet to remember, reflect and reward those who deserve a little extra attention with some extra glow of the spotlight. With great pleasure, we announce the online release of the Montana Cans LOOKBOOK 2019, looking back at some of the highlights of 2019. This edition delves into many projects such as the Montana Cans limited edition cans that featured Mina & Bruce (plus interview), Felipe Pantone, Most and Flying Förtress. We reminisce on the cool collabo's we were involved in with Happy Socks, Good Guy Boris and Reebok Sneakers. We get re-inspired by feature articles on artists IMAGINE, THE LONDON POLICE, FRAU ISA, 1010 and 1UP CREW. We take a look at some of the urban art festivals that raised the bar even higher like METROPOLINK, POW!WOW ROTTERDAM and the THE BERLIN MURAL FESTIVAL. With eyes wide open we scratch under the surface of some alternative disciplines within graffiti culture. The spotlight gets turned on ABSTRACT LETTERING, GRAFFITI ON FREIGHTS and CALLIGRAFFITI. We share some knowledge on the new products like the Montana BLACK INFRA colors and Montana BOLD marker line, which took the industry by storm. Just as the special moment that was the grand opening of the MONTANA STORE VIENNA with our industry partners CONCRETE, did. All this and more over 160 enthralling full color pages.

92 1UP is a force to be

92 1UP is a force to be reckoned with and shows no signs slowing down.

GETTING 1UP ON SOCIETY The concept of crews is one that has been in the graffiti community since the beginning. If we look closer at the history of graffiti, we can see that the culture of acting in groups existed in the form of gangs marking their turf even long before it became organized and we called it graffiti. Thankfully the gang element has receeded into the background for most artists, it is no wonder that there are many crews in the world today practicing their art in the bond of friendship. One crew is truely unique in their focus on the idea of "just for the crew". This crew is ONE UNITED POWER crew (aka 1UP). Primarily based in Berlin, 1UP is more like a family. A network, a secret society, or even an organisation of friends that have become such a close unit that they have left their own graffiti identities behind, all for the benefit of the crew. 1UP is now a global entity which doesn't just recruit strategic members in key cities or graffiti hotspots to increase their brand strength. Each member entering the fold through friendship and shared experiences that were founded on trust. 1UP is humans of all professions and orientations that have come together to share their skills and create. Bonded by the love of graffiti. In the background, a James Bond like underground network of helpers and supporters that carry out varied tasks to assure the crews safety. Like checking, spotting new locations, escape routes, developing entry methods and collecting devises for untraceable communication. The essential crew code is "all for the crew", and safety is a top priority. 2018 has seen a plethora of actions, projects and exhibitions the world over for 1UP. Whether it be collaborations with world renowned graffiti photographer Martha Cooper to create the "One week with 1UP" book, or showing at the now iconic Urban Nation Museum in their home town Berlin. 1UP is a force to be reckoned with and shows no signs slowing down with the relentless drive to create and achieve. 93

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