But the artists are seldom included in this financial chain, and theirs is the artwork that functions as the backbone of many campaigns without any remuneration. Gluck has been a lone ranger representing the often non financial artists against deep-pocketed big business. For him, it all started in the initial phases of him opening his own practice. His work with Curtis Kulig who became his first client, began a process of referrals and testimonials, showing artists that Gluck had their backs. In his words, he is trying to “level the playing field” which can assist artists in protecting their rights and their financial interests. ↓ In case of emergency, call the number on the donut and speak to your lawyer. He is trying to “level the playing field” which can assist artists in protecting their rights and their financial interests. 42 Collabo Series Jeff Gluck X Chinatown Market
A can that has positioned itself as the ultimate tool to fight the system since day one. ↑ Clever and real. Jeff Gluck puts his money where his mouth is and helps artists fight the big fight. After a successful sell-through of a CALL MY LAWYER t-shirts by China Town Market, the obvious next step was to transform the design on the tools of which the artists use to create the work. The black lithography of the CALL MY LAWYER can boast a similar aesthetic of the Montana BLACK can. A can that has positioned itself as the ultimate tool to fight the system since day one. Filled with benchmark black 9001 color, this can will find it’s way into the hands of the artists via, The Seventh Letter, China Town Market and Jeff Gluck himself. An instant collectors item with an important message. Collabo Series Jeff Gluck X Chinatown Market 43
92 Street Report Musa
94 Street Report Musa
Cloakwork Graffiti on a tourist cru
With the assistance of fellow artis
A CloakWork Orange and blue, black,
↑ All dressed up and no place to
N.O. MAD SKI Location Hamburg, Ger
↓ Another “why didn’t I think
Ultimately, in the last few years,
MC There was a while there where yo
N.O.MADSKI For a long time, I had t
Keno wAs Here Paris is a tough city
116 Street Report Keno
118 Street Report Keno
AKUT Studio Insights - “Masquerad
The process of the painting’s cre
Sister hood A ‘SISTERHOOD’ in g
Possibly, the biggest mistake one c
SH We ask female writers if they wo
german quality spray paint since 19
→ The new Montana Ultra Wide Powe
↑ A David von Bahr work, in the s
1 2 5 138 BLACKBOOK
8 11 8 AMUSE126 9 CAN2 10 SMASH137
photography by edward nightingale
Montana-Cans Ultrawide #GAMECHANGER
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